
The Richter Center Student Leaders

Service. Community. Integrity. Growth.


volunteer opportunity

Spring Break at the Ronald McDonald House

Some of my fellow teammates with Alternative Spring Break 2014.
Here we are planting colorful flowers in the serenity garden.

All throughout high school, I had been involved in community service in a multitude of ways. From Key Club, to Interact Club, to class office and ASB, there was always a way I could serve my community through these organizations. Moving to Fresno from Hollister was a huge, yet exciting transformation for me, however, getting involved in my new community was a bit of a challenge because I had no clue where to start. I finally found my niche in this community, unexpectedly, in Spring break ’13. When I accidentally stumbled upon the Alternative Spring Break program, I decided to apply. The application was followed by an interview, and before I knew it I had been assigned to the Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald is a foundation that provides a  temporary living space for families who have a child(ren) in the  hospital for serious conditions. This program runs mostly through  volunteers. Without volunteers, this organization may not be as  successful as it is today. As a team, each day we prepared meals for  the families staying there, cleaned, planted a garden and conducted  activities that the children could participate in. Something like this was unlike many of the places I have served at, because while we were there, we got to meet many of the families and even got to know some of them on a more personal level.

Families can use the serenity garden as a space for reflection or to relax after a long day of being with their ill child.

The reason this experience made such an impact on me was because on the surface, I was unable to see the struggles of the families that were there. I had not known why their child was in the hospital, what their financial situation was, or how long they were going to be there. I was simply there to make their lives a tiny bit easier, because although it may not seem like it at first, having a meal already prepared for a parent when they come back after a long day at the hospital can lessen one worry out of the millions they may have. For me, it was amazing to see how the children of a sick sibling tried to stay strong for eachother and their parents on the surface; and even more so how strong many of the parents and family members appeared. I was astonished by one of the fathers, who had already been there for a couple of months with his family, was still trying to make memories with his other children despite what they were going through. He took pictures and laughed with each of his children at all our events, including the Easter egg hunt we put on. Someone with that much perseverance reminded me why I love community service so much and how it is so essential to give your time to someone else who might need it.

ronald-mcdonald-house-charitiesVolunteering at the Ronald McDonald House helped me regain my passion for service, and opened many doors for me, including my position as a Richter Center Ambassador, in which I can now help other students find their niche in this large community. For those of you who didn’t know, the Alternative Spring Break program is every spring break and you can start applying Spring Semester!  If you are interested in volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, contact (559) 261-3660 for available dates. I highly recommend both of these!

Have you been wanting to get involved in community service (on campus or off) but don’t know where to start? Come check out the Richter Center in the Thomas Building and we can help you!

What is your favorite thing about community service?

What sparks that passion for you?

-Ambassador Alex

Photos courtesy of Fresno State Alternative Spring Break Facebook

My Service at St. Agnes Medical Center

“On a mission to heal mind, body, and spirit” – St. Agnes Medical Center

I have always  been fascinated about the idea of volunteering in a hospital, and this summer I decided to do something about it! One of our former Ambassadors, Daniel, submitted a blog post about the wonders of a long-term service project and really inspired me to commit to this one. I chose to apply to the volunteer program at St. Agnes Medical Center here in Fresno. Because three of my younger brothers were born there, St. Agnes has always been a magical place to me, reminding me of warm sisterly memories and new life! I have a few close friends who volunteer there or have volunteered there in the past. Also, as a Speech-Language Pathology major, I may choose to work in the hospital setting someday, so gaining experience would be beneficial.

Excellent service is a must at St. Agnes!
I applied and was promptly contacted by the service coordinator who informed me of an upcoming orientation. A group of wise, energetic ladies trained me, and I was inspired by their stories of life-long service.
What’s on the menu today?

After receiving my fancy badge,  I chose the section of the hospital where I would like to volunteer. I began in Nutrition Services, where I use a tablet to collect menu orders from patients.The fabulous diet clerks Wanda and Debbie direct me to the section of the hospital that needs to be addressed, and I cheerily go room-to-room taking orders. I have found that I absolutely LOVE the patient contact. I get the whole range of patients, from the older gentlemen discussing the healing powers of apple pie, to awesome women who have just popped out babies and need to renew their energy! Countless times, I have long talks with  patients, giving them a chance to visit (or vent), and gaining invaluable advice.

Because I loved volunteering so much, I decided to take on another role in another part of the hospital: the patient escort service! St. Agnes Hospital is a maze. Patients really appreciate being led to important destinations like waiting rooms for surgical procedures, testing services, MRI’s, and more. I can reassure them before their procedure, whether with interesting hospital info or kind small-talk, or even just lend them a smile. The people who work at patient admissions have adopted me, and I feel very supported and helpful in this position as well.

Hello! May I escort you? At the very least, take a smile; they’re free!
Perhaps you feel called to volunteer in a hospital? Let me share some benefits: first of all, the super cute and comfortable outfit, official name badge with hospital codes and more (so you’re in the know), you get the ability to pick your time and station that you’d like to serve at, and most importantly, you are an integral part of the patients’ experience. I absolutely love volunteering at St. Agnes, and look forward to a long term of service!
The chapel at St. Agnes is a perfect place for quiet reflection on service done well.
Consider volunteering with me! Check out the volunteer website for more information, or contact Cathy Mayer, the volunteer coordinator, at with more specific questions.
How do you think volunteers can help make hospital stays more cheerful experiences?
Where would you be willing to commit to a long-term service project? What gets you excited to serve?
~Ambassador Lilliana

Help a Student Excel in Stellar Science

Hey everyone!  Today, I want to share a great volunteer opportunity that is available right on campus.  This project presents a chance to have a positive impact in the life of a young student.  Stellar Science is designed for middle school students to have the opportunity to explore and investigate the natural world using science. The program allows science and math experts to spark interest in students through activities, demonstrations, and experiments. Stellar Science will take place on Friday, October 11, 2013 and Friday, October 18, 2013.

Stellar Science is sponsored by Fresno State’s Natural Science Club.

Volunteer applications are currently being accepted for Stellar Science and can be found at or by visiting Science I room 101.  Applications are due Tuesday, October 1st.

-Ambassador Jazmin

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