
The Richter Center Student Leaders

Service. Community. Integrity. Growth.


Rotary Storyland and Playland

Make A Difference Day- Oct. 27

How Can YOU Make a Difference?

Well, it’s easier and more convenient than you think…Make a Difference Day is happening Saturday, October 27, 2012! From 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., you can help by volunteering at one of three different sites:

Help decorate Rotary Storyland and Playland. They are holding a Spooktacular Event for kids, and you can help with decoration, set-up, and assist at the event.

Help restore Romain Park. You can help keep the park clean and safe for the community.

Or build trails at Sierra Foothill Conservancy. Get out into nature and help preserve the natural beauty of Fresno.

Lunch is provided for each site.

Registration is quick and easy. You can register online to volunteer at one of these places. Go to

To provide some testimony, I believe Make a Difference Day is a good way to have fun with friends, meet new ones, and help restore pride in Fresno. As a member of the S.E.R.V.E. Committee (Student Experience for Richter Volunteer Events), I can ensure this will be fun service that will be beneficial to both our community and you!

Register now and spread the word.

1 Day…3 Ways…2 Make a Difference.

-Ambassador Alexi

Serving Fresno Day: Giving back to our community

As many of you might already know, Saturday, November 19th was Serving Fresno Day, a wonderful event in which our own Fresno State students were able to give back to their community while taking pride in all that we have here in Fresno. A group of students volunteered at Rotary Storyland and Playland, while another group helped the Sierra Foothill Conservancy clean up trails in the foothills.

I was stationed at Playland, a small amusement park in the heart of Fresno where kids and their families can go for a great time. My job was to help repaint “The Octopus” ride, seen below. Others helped to repaint benches and “The Big Rocko” ride, and another group helped clean the deck near Shipwreck Cove.

"The Octopus," one of the rides worked on by volunteers at Serving Fresno Day.

It was a long process, but the results were very much worth it. Serving Fresno Day was a great experience that allowed me able to give back to the Fresno area while helping make the park a more fun and beautiful place for kids and families to be for years to come. It truly is incredible to be able to make a difference that will be seen and enjoyed by so many.

Next time, I hope to join the Sierra Foothill Conservancy in restoring trails and making the foothills an even more beautiful place to visit. In the meantime, I look forward to volunteering with other Fresno agencies that give back to our community.

With the season of giving coming up, here’s some food for thought: What are some of the ways in which you can give back to your community?

– Ambassador Becky

Serving Fresno Day 2011: Your Chance to Give Back

Volunteers beautify an exhibit at Rotary Storyland and Playland.

It’s almost that time of year again.  The holiday season comes with a sense of gratitude.  It’s all about slowing down a bit, spending time with family, and most importantly, giving thanks for the great things that surround us.  What better way to kick off this season of giving than by joining in the efforts of Serving Fresno Day 2011?  Join a group of fellow Fresno State students as they share their time and desire to help on Saturday, November 19, 2011.  We will be working with our community partners, the Sierra Foothill Conservancy and Rotary Storyland and Playland.

Volunteers clear trails with the Sierra Foothill Conservancy.

Interested in helping?  You’d better act quickly!  Click here to register for this event by Wednesday, November 16.  This is sure to be a great experience, and an awesome opportunity to give back.

-Ambassador German

Can’t Wait to Make a Difference!

Ambassadors Mika and Daniel take a short break from cuttin' trails at last year's Make a Difference Day with the Sierra Foothill Conservancy.

Interested in making a difference?  Love the great outdoors, and making it more accessible to other enthusiasts? Do you hold a soft spot in your heart for that favorite play area from your childhood, and want to help restore a kid-favorite spot, known valley wide?  If you answered yes to any of the above, the Richter Center Ambassadors have a solution for you!  Make-A-Difference Day, one of the highlights of the volunteering calendar for Fresno State is this weekend, and this community service advocate and supporter will be building trails with the Sierra Foothill Conservancy at the Mckenzie Preserve in the foothills.  It’s sure to be a good time!  With any luck, I will see you bright and early Saturday morn, and we can share a few hours building trails for the enjoyment of all.  Or maybe you’ll decide to lend a hand at Rotary Storyland/Playland – either way, this is sure to be one of the best volunteering experiences of the year.  Don’t miss out!

–Ambassador Daniel

Now Announcing: Make a Difference Day 2011

Registration for Make a Difference Day is now open!


On Make a Difference Day, Fresno State partners with two local non-profit organizations, the Sierra Foothill Conservancy and Rotary Storyland and Playland, to work on two projects with the goal of making a lasting difference at two wonderful and deserving Valley locations.

Like to do things with your hands? The Sierra Foothill Conservancy is a nonprofit dedicated to protecting and maintaining the area between Yosemite and Kings Canyon National Parks through trail-building, education, and restoration. On Make a Difference Day, you can volunteer with this organization to help build trails in the foothills near Fresno. It’s a chance to try out something you might not have done before while building and preserving trails that will help visitors to the foothills enjoy their beauty to the fullest.
Volunteers help build a trail on Make a Difference Day, 2010.


If trail building isn’t exactly your thing, why not try out refurbishment? Rotary Storyland and Playland is a local park for children that features walk-through exhibits of favorite nursery rhymes, as well as rides perfect for kids. On Make a Difference Day, volunteer at Rotary Storyland and Playland and you will be able to help refurbish and beautify the rides and displays so kids and their families can continue to enjoy the park for years to come.

Fresno State volunteers help refurbish an exhibit at Storyland.

To register to participate in this event, drop on by the Richter Center, or fill out the online form here.

Meanwhile, here’s some food for thought: how do YOU plan to make a difference this year?

– Ambassador Becky

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