
The Richter Center Student Leaders

Service. Community. Integrity. Growth.


Bulldog Pantry

Cruisin’ Down the Street

Fresno is a city of many qualities. It holds the essence of a small, rural community in the Central Valley; yet, its population ranks at the top of the list of big cities in California. Continue reading “Cruisin’ Down the Street”

Walking the Walk

As a Richter Center Ambassador, I am charged with the honorable duty of sharing the value and importance of service to the community among my peers at Fresno State.  With this responsibility comes a certain degree of freedom to spread my passion for service work and the avenue which I most often find myself taking is one in which my actions speak louder than my words.  I was raised to believe that, at the end of the day, it is that which a man or woman has accomplished in the pursuit of some higher purpose  that speaks for itself, not the explanations, excuses, or promises to do better next time that should do the talking.

bdogpantryWhen I speak with students , clubs and organizations on campus, or faculty/staff/administration about the need for active volunteerism in and around the Fresno community I always stress that while it is a good start to think about ways in which you can serve and “try on” (so to speak) a few service sites, some of the most rewarding service work comes from a sustained commitment to one or two organizations.  I find that many of my favorite, most enriching experiences as a volunteer have come from my on-going commitment to the Bulldog Food Pantry.  The Pantry provides food for more than 200 families every week and every weekend volunteers from the Fresno State community gather to pack bags of food and distribute them to our many clients.   I get a sense of satisfaction every Friday afternoon, when I join the truck convoy that picks up the food from the Community Food Bank and delivers to the Pantry because I realize that my efforts, insignificant as they are in the grand scheme of the benevolent machine that is the Pantry, are appreciated by many.  My available time to volunteer at the Pantry has decreased as the years go by, but I still make it a point to lend a hand whenever and wherever possible because I believe in the work of the Pantry and I want the world to become as passionate as I am about their mission.  I choose to ‘walk the walk’ and find it to be very satisfying.

Now, as a word of encouragement: Let your actions sing your praises as a leader in service!  Take pride in the fact that you are a leader in community engagement!  Know that your generosity and selflessness are directly benefitting and improving the lives’ of your fellow Fresnans (and beyond)!  As Jan and Bud Richter, whose philanthropy and desire to instill positive change in the Fresno community by providing a means for students at Fresno State to learn firsthand the importance of being a champion of service, said during the dedication ceremony of the Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning in November of 2007, “We believe that this Center will help foster a set of values and habits in Fresno State students that are similar to the motto that we have tried to live by, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’.”  What is implied here, of course, is that action must be taken to ‘do unto others’.  So what are you waiting for?  Find that special place to serve that enriches your life and brings you satisfaction, then keep up the good work!

For more information about the Bulldog Pantry, feel free to email us at

What is your service passion?  Where do you like to regularly volunteer your time in order to make an impact?

-Ambassador Daniel

Playing Santa

Students volunteer at the Bulldog Pantry, a student-run food pantry that benefits the Fresno community.
Students volunteer at the Bulldog Pantry, a student-run food pantry that benefits the Fresno community.

One of our beloved community service partners is sponsoring a toy drive this holiday season.  You may not have cheeks likes roses, a nose like a cherry or a beard on your chin as white as the snow, but this is your chance to give a gift that will be as joyous for a child living in the Fresno State area as a visit from the Jolly Old Elf himself!  Now through December 21st, the Bulldog Pantry will be accepting donations of new, unwrapped toys.  Join the Ambassadors, who recently donated 10 toys to our friends at the Pantry, in spreading goodwill and holiday cheer.

Donations can be taken to the Fresno State ASI office in USU Room 317 or at the Bulldog Pantry.  Have a wonderful holiday season!

-Ambassador Daniel

Ambassador Serve-A-Thon!

Many of you have probably participated in a Jog-A-Thon during your elementary school years, but have you ever heard of a Serve-A-Thon?

This past weekend, the Richter Center Ambassadors completed the first part of our Serve-A-Thon to raise money for the Richter Center. Donors will pledge funds for every hour of service we complete.

Last weekend’s service was distributing fliers in local neighborhoods for the “Spring Cleaning,” or canned food and household goods drive, benefitting the Bulldog Pantry. The Bulldog Pantry is a student-run food pantry for low-income families and students. The Pantry distributes groceries to over 175 families in need every week and that number is constantly rising. The fliers we distributed called for canned or dry foods, gently used clothes and shoes, or any other household items that can be given to people at the Pantry.

Students volunteer at the Bulldog Pantry, a student-run food pantry that benefits the Fresno community.

This weekend, the Ambassadors are going back to the neighborhoods to pick up these donations. I am excited to see what donations we receive and how this will help the Bulldog Pantry. It is amazing what great things can be done when the community comes together!

– Ambassador Jillian 

Bulldog Pantry “Will Walk for Food”: A Great Way to Kick Off the Year

Fresno State students on their two-mile walk around campus to benefit the Bulldog Pantry in their "Will Walk for Food" event on Saturday, September 10th.

This past Saturday, the 10th of September marked the first-ever running of the Will Walk for Food event, a fundraiser walk/run that was put on by the Bulldog Pantry. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this amazing organization, the Pantry is a student-run food bank where folks who are in need can go to receive food every week. The neighborhoods around Fresno State are home to a high level of poverty and there are many families who are simply unable to make ends meet.

Thankfully, the Bulldog Pantry is there to lend a hand to those who need it. And the Will Walk for Food event went a long way to making sure that the Pantry can continue to operate. It was announced that over $3000 was raised, money that will be used to purchase food from the Community Food Bank at a discounted rate (basically, one dollar from the Pantry will purchase $8 worth of grocery store-priced food). This was such a fun event, too! There was a five-mile run and two-mile walk with about 50 participants in total. The Richter Center Ambassadors were there in force, having a great time and sporting an “Ambassadoreo” theme. After the run/walk finished, there was a delicious BBQ dinner and live performance by local band HR7.

Overall, it was a great evening, raising money for an organization near and dear to my heart, and having a good time along the way.

Your Richter Center "Ambassadoreos" gearing up for their trek across campus.

– Ambassador Daniel 

Community Service Fair: Fall, 2011

Hello, everyone! On Wednesday, August 31st, the Richter Center hosted the Fall Community Service fair on the Fresno State campus, in front of the Kennel Bookstore. Hopefully, some of you reading this made it out to check out some of the booths, meet some people and learn about some opportunities for community service near you, but for those of you who missed out, never fear! I’m here to fill you in on what you missed, and provide you with the information you need to get involved.


There were over 75 organizations represented at this year’s fair and, although I didn’t talk to all of them, I’d bet that they ALL would be worth your time as a volunteer. Two that stuck out to me in particular were the Sierra Foothill Conservancy and the Bulldog Pantry. I’ve always been a fan of doing work outdoors, so when I learned that many of the volunteer opportunities at the Conservancy involve some sort of landscape upkeep, I knew that this would be a place I’d want to visit. If outdoor labor isn’t your preference, check out the Bulldog Pantry. Since the fair I’ve visited the Pantry twice and have thoroughly enjoyed packing food for distribution both of the times I was there.

If you’re looking for somewhere else to volunteer, come on by the Richter Center and we will be happy to give you information and contact numbers for any of the organizations that were at the fair. In the meantime, check out the video I made about the Community Service Fair!

 -Ambassador Ryan

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